The recipe for a Feng Shui kitchen

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Residência MV praia, Maria Christina Rinaldi Arquitetos Maria Christina Rinaldi Arquitetos Cuisine originale
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Feng Shui deals with the energy flow that exists in abundance everywhere and attempts to maximise it with the interaction of core natural elements.

In the kitchen we can find five elements of this philosophy: water represented by the dishwasher and the sink, fire represented by the stove and oven, earth represented by marble or granite surfaces, metal represented by appliances and, finally, wood represented by wooden surfaces. The elements can also be represented by colours.

Keeping this knowledge in mind we can set each element in the kitchen to exert harmony, seeking to focus and distribute the energy flowing through them. According to the philosophy of Feng Shui, the second largest energy centre of the house is found in the kitchen so in this article we'll explore things a little more closely.

Take notes and, as always, be inspired!

Key elements

The main elements of the Feng Shui philosophy in the kitchen are water and fire. To avoid over saturation of colours that represent these elements and therefore creating an imbalanced energy flow, you should use light colour accents, such as white, beige, yellow or livelier green.

It’s important to fill your fridge with a variety of foods and use the stove regularly so that the energy flow is circulated, flooding your home with prosperity.

The work triangle

CASA RR8, Grupo Arsciniest Grupo Arsciniest Cuisine minimaliste

The work triangle refers to the alignment of three kitchen appliances: the dishwasher, stove and fridge.

The location of the stove is quite important in Feng Shui becasue if it is placed by a window it would block the energy flow and subsequently hamper the home's prosperity.

When arranging these appliances there should be proper distance between them, which allows appropriate operation and optimum performance in the kitchen.

Fire elements

As we have already mentioned, the stove – which represents fire – should not be placed in front of the air flowing windows as it might disturb the energy flow. 

You should also avoid fitting the stove in a wooden kitchen island as the two elements (fire and wood) could counteract each other and retain their energy. The ideal location will be a corner, or any other space, where other fire elements are present.

Water elements

Unlike the stove, for water elements, such as the sink, the ideal location to maximise its energy flow is below a window. According to Feng Shui, water and fire elements, like the sink and the stove, should be separated by a wooden element, thus creating a constructive energy flow within the kitchen.

Materials and colours

Following the principles that govern Feng Shui, the kitchen is an important space in the house as it's associated with power, wealth, prosperity and health. Consequently, when designing or building the kitchen it's important to avoid overindulging the use of one specific material, such as wood. 

Instead, try to create a balance with an equal distribution of the five elements we have already mentioned, either with materials or colours.

You can also use decorative plants or landscape pictures to reference natural environments in the kitchen, which binds the elements together. It's also possible to maximise energy flow in the kitchen by placing a bowl of fresh fruit somewhere in the room!

Joyful, colourful and organised

To reach optimum balance and energy flow in the kitchen you should always keep it clean, bright and free of bad smells.

By keeping an organised kitchen, including the cabinets, the energy flow will circulate uninterrupted. To maximise the amount of sunlight- another important element of Feng Shui – in the kitchen we recommend to use light coloured shades, which are highly reflective.

For more cosmic inspiration, check out: Matching Your Kitchen To Your Zodiac Sign.

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